
Hiromi Paper, Inc. is devoted to the creation of a greater rapport between Japanese papermakers, printers, artists, conservators, designers and bookmakers, while developing new directions and a deeper understanding of Japanese papers or “WASHI”. With this in mind we are pleased to provide our customers with high quality papers at competitive prices.

Our inventory includes papers from paper mills throughout Japan. We have a very close working relationship with many paper makers and are therefore in the unique position to offer custom made papers suitable for the individual project needs of our customers. We encourage you to visit our retail store in Culver City, California.

Hiromi Paper International was founded during 1988 as an offshoot of Infusion Inc. Throughout its 20 years in business, HPI has expanded its selection and continued to offer the Japanese paper that HPI was created to provide. Besides having a myriad of fine art papers, HPI also offers paper used for conservation, decoration, stationary, digital and manual printing, origami, and anything else you can imagine. If you have any questions or ideas please contact us at washi @ hiromipaper . com


Hiromi Paper, Inc.

6 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi, Hiromi:

    I would love to follow your blog; I don’t see a button to add to my RSS Reader like Google Reader. May i suggest adding buttons to your blogs?

  2. Hi! Thank you for your comment, I have added the RSS feed on the right column on the bottom, hope that helps!

  3. Dear Hiromi, I read about the fire in Joe’s studio in the LA Times one year ago. I put the paper away thinking I would contact him as I knew him in his early days around 1966. What a beautiful story! Please forward this to him and let him know I was touched by what came out of the ashes. When I saw your name in the article I thought I might be able to reach you. Glad he married another artiste!! I worked for the County as a social worker and was friends of people he knew, i. e. Julie, Anita etc. Thanks, Claire Adams Tschirky.

  4. Thank you for your comment, I have shown it to Hiromi and she will show it Joe as well!

  5. Hello,
    First of all, I would like to congratulate you for this blog. It’s really well done.
    I’m a brazilian currently studying in Japan. I came to do a master course in design and my research subject is paper. I’ve seen a lot of posts about “washi tours” on the blog who seemed really interesting. I was wondering if these tours are organized by you or how do they happen. I would love to participate and it would help a lot with my research. Thank you very much for your attention.

  6. Hi Manuela,

    I’m sorry for such a late reply, I just saw this…
    The washi tours are usually proposed to us/Hiromi by groups of people or organizations that are interested. Then, we start to discuss schedules, and the locations to be visited.

    Thank you! Feel free to email us too for more information.


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